Thursday, August 14, 2008


here is my wild one Kiera, every day she thinks she
is a new animal, some days
she could be a puppy, alligator, or donkey
you never know with her...
the kit is carltoncato- imagine that


I did this layout with the kit natures affair by kakleidesigns
the papers are beautiful
this is my oldest daughter always ready for a photo...
she would pose all day everyday if you let her...
and she will get mad when you take pictures of anyone else...

Freebie - blowing bubbles

here is my latest design... i'm calling it blowing bubbles after my son who just learned to blow bubbles and blow them all day long... there are more elements and papers then shown...and if you check back daily there will be more pieces posted for this kit... if you download please let me know what you think... you can download here

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Freebie new hope paper pack

i created this paper pack for a layout i was doing and thought it turned out really pretty so i thought i would share it with yall.. please leave me some feedback on what you think thank you... hope yall enjoy it please if you share please send them to my blog insead of sharing my links thank you again

download here


Here are a few scraps that i have done..
This is of my little boy Cooper who is 8 months old.. He was sitting in the yard and our puppy "Lil Bit" will not leave his side... Where ever Cooper is so is lil bit... Cooper doesnt much care for that fuzzy thing that wont leave him alone but Lil Bit sure does adore Cooper...
The beautiful kits I used are Kakleidesigns -alive earth and unforgetable...